Clock vs. Calendar

I was having a conversation with a friend the other day, and we were talking about transitions in life and how we navigate them.  We talked about the fact that most of us have to work very hard to be patient in the process, and how this is much easier said than done.  My friend had a lot of experience with this, having served in ministry for over 35 years.  And he said something to me in our conversation that stuck out.  Here’s what he said:  Most of us are looking at the clock, but God is looking at the calendar.

What does this mean?  Well, I’ll tell you what I think it means.  When you were in school, did you ever find yourself staring at the clock on the wall, just waiting for the end of the day?  I know I did.  But do you remember what happened when you did this?  If you’re like me, you remember the time moving even slower than you thought possible.  And, when you were busy looking at the clock, you were bound to miss the lesson being taught.  So, you ended up being frustrated at the time, while simultaneously missing what the teacher was teaching.

I think we do this in our journey with Jesus, and I think we do this a lot.  We get so focused on what God might have next for us, that we miss what God has for us right now.  We are chasing the future, while missing the present.  We gaze with intensity at what could be, and we end up ignoring what currently is.  Don’t get me wrong, ambition, dreaming, drive, all of these are good things.  And we should always be in pursuit of God’s best for our lives.  But don’t confuse His timing with our timing. 

If we’re being honest with ourselves, we really wish that God’s timing would use our clocks.  But God doesn’t wear the same watch that we do (assuming you wear a watch-ha!). So, what do we do with this?  I have a few things we have done in seasons of waiting, anticipation and even frustration on this journey with Jesus, and I’ll share them here:

1.     Pursue the Present

Often, we get so anxious, excited, fearful or focused on the next phase of life that we completely miss the blessings and opportunities God has given us in our current phase of life.  Be present with people.  Be present at home.  Be present at work.  Don’t miss what God is doing NOW because you are so focused on what God might do NEXT.

2.     Pray for Perspective

Prayer seems to guide our thoughts back to God’s.  It is where we go to rely on God, connect with Him and re-focus our dreams and desires on His best for our lives.  Prayer helps us appreciate the current blessings, as well as trust God for the future blessings.

3.     Prepare with Purpose

Every season of life is an interim season.  Every station is a boarding station.  Every phase is a temporary one.  So, it is wise to prepare for what God might have ahead.  But how do we do this?  Work on your relationship with God.  Yes, relationships require work.  Work on your mental health, your physical health, your emotional health.  Grow your skills set, expand your current gifts and really hone in on what you’re good at. 

*Bonus – Don’t forget to enjoy your life.  Life is precious and fast.  Enjoy the days God gives you.

Remember, we are looking at the clock, but God is looking at the calendar.  When you get frustrated by His timing, remember, He’s not in a rush like you might be.  He has a plan, and He is mapping it out for you at His perfect pace.  Don’t let the clock distract you from the calendar.


Dog Beach
